What happens after killing a chicken? Does his/her soul go to heaven or hell?

This is a very scary but interesting question... Some of the people believe that there is Heaven and Hell. But does chicken feel the same way?

As Julian Thomas Mathews once said:

"Birds and animals are living creatures but they do not have a human soul. They have a pre programmed mind to survive and procreate. They do not think or decide on their own. They can't differentiate right and wrong neither choose to do something apart from what they are programmed to do.

Heaven and hell is a concept of rewards which one soul receive after death based on his choices he made during his materialistic World.

Now if a chicken, doesn't makes any choice during his life time,why would it either go to hell or heaven. They cease to exist.

Animals and birds and plants have life force in them but they do not have a conscious soul."

However, other people might disagree. But I haven't met one yet.
